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Intermolecular Coupling of Alkenes to Heterocycles via C-H Bond Activation
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139. Evans, J .W.; Fierman, M. B.; Miller, S. J.; Ellman, J. A.
Catalytic Enantioselective Synthesis of Sulfinate Esters Through the Dynamic Resolution of tert-Butanesulfinyl Chloride
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138. Schenkel, L. B.; Ellman, J. A.
Self-Condensation of N-tert-Butanesulfinyl Aldimines: Application to the Asymmetric Synthesis of Biologically Important Amine-Containing Compounds
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137. Klei, S. R.; Tan, K. L.; Golden, J. T.; Yung, C. M.; Thalji, R. K.; Ahrendt, K. A.; Ellman, J. A.; Tilley, T. D.; Bergman, R. G.
C-H Bond activation by iridium and rhodium complexes: Catalytic hydrogen-deuterium exchange and C-C bond-forming reactions. In Activation and Functionalization of C-H Bonds; Goldberg, K. I.; Goldman, A. S., Ed.; ACS Symposium Series 885; American Chemical Society; Washington, DC,
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136. Thalji, R. K.; Ellman, J. A.; Bergman, R. G.
Highly Efficient and Enantioselective Cyclization of Aromatic Imines via Directed C-H Bond Activation
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135. Kochi , T.; Mukade, T.
Asymmetric Synthesis of Amines with tert-Butanesulfinamide and Its Application
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134. McMahon, J. P.; Ellman, J. A.
Highly Stereoselective Addition of Organometallic Reagents to N-tert-Butanesulfinyl Imines Derived from 3- and 4-Substituted Cyclohexanones
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133. Wiedemann, S. H.; Bergman, R. G.; Ellman, J. A.
Rhodium-Catalyzed Direct C-H Addition of 4,4-Dimethyl-2-oxazoline to Alkenes
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132. Schenkel, L. B.; Ellman, J. A.
Application of P,N-Sulfinyl Imine Ligands to Iridium-Catalyzed Asymmetric Hydrogenation of Olefins
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131. Lewis, J. C. Wiedemann, S. H.; Bergman, R. G.; Ellman, J. A.
Arylation of Heterocycles via Rhodium-Catalyzed C-H Bond Functionalization
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130. Evans, J. W.; Ellman, J. A.
Stereoselective Synthesis of 1,2-Disubstituted beta-Amino Alcohols by Nucleophilic Addition to N-tert-Butanesulfinyl aldimines
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129. Wood, W.; Huang, L.; Ellman, J. A.
Synthesis of a Diverse Library of Mechanism-Based Cysteine Protease Inhibitors
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128. Boitano, A.; Ellman, J. A.; Glick, G. D.; Opipari, A. W.
The Proapoptotic Benzodiazepine BZ-423 Affects the Growth and Survival of Malignant B Cells
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127. Boitano, A.; Leonetii, F.; Emal, C.; Ellman, J. A.; Roush, W. R.; Opipari, A. W.; Glick, G. D.
Structure Activity Studies of a Novel Cytotoxic Benzodiazepine
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126. Kochi, T.; Tang, T. P.; Ellman, J. A.
Development and Application of a New General Method for the Asymmetric Synthesis of syn- and anti-1,3-Amino Alcohols
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125. Jain, R. K.; Trias, J.; Ellman, J. A.
D-Ala-D-Lac Binding is Not Required for the High Activity of Vancomycin Dimers Against Vancomycin Resistant Enterococci
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124. Mukade, T.; Dragoli, D. R.; Ellman, J. A.
Parallel Solution-Phase Asymmetric Synthesis of alpha-Branched Amines
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123. Tan, K. L.; Vasudevan, A.; Bergman, R. G.; Ellman, J. A.; Souers, A. J.
Microwave Assisted C-H Bond Activation: A Rapid Entry into Functionalized Heterocycles
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122. Ahrendt, K. A.; Bergman, R. G.; Ellman, J. A
Synthesis of a Tricyclic Mescaline Analog by Catalytic C-H Bond Activation
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121. Weix, D. J.; Ellman, J. A.
An Improved Synthesis of tert-Butanesulfinamide Suitable for Large Scale Production
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120. Leiting, B.; Pryor, K. D.; Wu, J. K.; Marsilio, F.; Patel, R. A.; Craik, C. S.; Ellman, J. A.; Cummings, R. T.; Thornberry, N.
Catalytic Properties and Inhibition of Proline-Specific Dipeptidyl Peptidases II, IV and VII
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119. Ahrendt, K. A.; Olsen, J. A.; Wakao, M.; Trias, J. Ellman, J. A.
Identification of Potent and Broad-Spectrum Antibiotics from SAR Studies of a Synthetic Vancomycin Analog
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118. Cawley, N. X.; Chino, M.; Maldonado, A.; Rodriguez, Y. M.; Loh, Y. P.; Ellman, J. A.
Synthesis and Characterization of the First Potent Inhibitor of Yapsin 1. Implications for the Study of Yapsin-Like Enzymes
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117. Asojo, O. A.; Gulnik. S. V.; Afonina, E.; Yu, B.; Ellman, J. A.; Haque, T. S.; Silva, A. M.
Novel Uncomplexed and Complexed Structures of Plasmepsin II, an Aspartic Protease from Plasmodium falciparum
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116. Schenkel, L. B.; Ellman, J. A.
Novel Sulfinyl Imine Ligands for Asymmetric Catalysis
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115. Bednarski, J. J.; Warner, R. E.; Rao, T.; Leonetti, F.; Yung, R.; Richardson, B. C.; Johnson, K. J.; Ellman, J. A. Opipari, A. W.; Glick, G. D.
Attenuation of Autoimmune Disease in Fas-Deficient Mice by Treatment with a Cytotoxic Benzodiazepine
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114. Huang, L.; Brinen, L. S.; Ellman, J. A.
Crystal Structures of Reversible Ketone-Based Inhibitors of the Cysteine Protease Cruzain
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113. Ellman, J. A.
Applications of tert-Butanesulfinamide in the Asymmetric Synthesis of Amines
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112. Owens, T. D.; Souers, A. J.; Ellman, J. A.
The Preparation and Utility of Bis(sulfinyl)imidoamidine Ligands for the Copper-Catalyzed Diels Alder Reaction
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111. Blum, S. A.; Bergman, R. G.; Ellman, J. A.
Enantioselective Oxidation of Di-tert-Butyl Disulfide with a Vanadium Catalyst: Progress toward Mechanism Elucidation
J. Org. Chem.  200368, 150-155.
